I required a specialized hiring recruiter for the cannabis shop

When you own a cannabis shop, there are a ton of important responsibilities that have to be handled, but my supplier partner plus I tried to do everything on our own, however in the beginning my associate and I needed a ton of help, but when my associate and I first started the shop plus opened the doors, my associate and I had a specialized hiring recruiter take care of the process of hiring budtenders, security, plus management staff for the shop, then the hiring recruiter had a local event to advertise the jobs at the cannabis shop, but all of the applicants went to the events plus were interviewed.

They had to take particular exams plus tests.

The applicants were ranked by the amount of expertise they had on marijuana strains plus products. The cannabis recruiter gave us a list of names plus it was up to us to contact their references plus choose however several my associate and I wanted. After my associate and I made our choices, the recruiting company handled all of the paperwork plus orientation… It was quite easy to have a recruiter handle all of the hiring process, then nowadays, my supplier partner plus I handle all of those things on our own. My good friend and I have a manager that handles the hiring process plus my supplier partner plus I only get involved if the manager is having a strenuous time making a decision. It’s nice to have companies that are specialized in areas like cannabis management, payroll, plus recruiting, however cannabis dispensaries are a new plus interesting industry plus it takes a special guy to know plus understand the way that the companies work.
SOC Audit for Dispensary

I wish I could use medical weed while pregnant

It stinks that you can’t rely on marijuana products when pregnant.

They need to do some research because cannabis can basically fix everything.

When you are pregnant there are a lot of negative symptoms that come from it. There is basically no way to relieve them either. I had trouble sleeping at night due to leg cramps. Did you know that cannabis can be used as a sleep aid to calm the mind and also reduce inflammation in cramped muscles? Cannabis also is good for acid reflux. When I developed pregnancy acid reflux I was miserable. It was worse than vomiting and the cramps. The acid kept me awake and was painful. Another pregnancy symptom is feeling nauseous. The heat and the lack of sleep made a very bad combination in my stomach. It would have been really nice to have something to make it all better. Not all cannabis products have THC in them. I don’t even need to take in the hallocenginen part of the plant. Also, you don’t need to smoke or eat cannabis either. There are topicals that are creams applied directly to the skin. It doesn’t get you high or get into the bloodstream. A topical can reduce leg cramps though. So why can I not have that? Bare minimum a topical should be allowed. At this point it is still a banned product for pregnant ladies. I am left to pop tums, use a heating pad and just be miserable. I think there has to be safe, marijuana infused products out there.

cannabis tropicals

Need cannabis due to anxiety having a baby

Having a baby really changes you, sometimes for the better and others for the worst.

I feel like I am a more intense person now.

I am way moodier than I used to be. I think it is stress, lack of sleep and added duties onto my plate. The anxiety I get when going to bed is just horrible. I think it is because my baby is a bad sleeper. He sometimes wakes up crying and I know I will have 1.5 hours of intense screaming before he goes back down. Sometimes he just flat out refuses to sleep. I get really nervous that my nights are going to be bad. Due to my anxiety, I then don’t sleep and get even more anxious. It makes me not a good partner, employee or person at the end of the day. I have been looking into dosing with medical weed for the time being. I figure it can’t hurt. A little bit of THC and CBD should mellow me out. I am hoping if I am a bit high I can calm down and sleep. If I need to wake up and be up for 1.5 hours with a screaming baby, I want to be high for it. I think being calmer will be better for my son too. I think he feeds off my anxious, unhappy energy when he is screaming. It will also just be nicer being high sometimes to be honest. Thankfully I do live near a cannabis dispensary and they can hook me up with the right product.

cbd products

Good friends, good vibes and great marijuana

When I moved here, I didn’t know a single soul.

That was so weird for me.

This was the first time that’s ever been the case in my life. Even when I went off to college, I knew people from my home town who went there as well. Plus, I even knew my roommate so I had that comfort level during the first move of my life. As well as offering a level of comfort, that roommate also introduced me to recreational marijuana. That was something that really helped me deal with the stress and pressure of getting my degree. I went to work at my first job again in a place that was familiar with because it was the city adjacent to where I went to college. So again, I knew people and was able to weave myself into the fabric of a new work and social life. But taking this new position and moving across the country put me in a position I had never experienced before. I knew absolutely no one and had no clue about the area. Fortunately, I have an apartment downtown in this small city do navigating to work wasn’t a problem. Finding like minded people has also been much easier than I expected. I ended up moving to a place where recreational marijuana is legal. And the local cannabis spot is a ten minute walk from my apartment. That’s where I have found such a great atmosphere and vibe. It’s also where I’m meeting people and forming new friendships. But I’m also very grateful for the great sativa and indica products that I can shop for and enjoy oh so legally.



recreational weed

Cooking with cannabis

It’s such a great thing to be able to just walk into a cannabis dispensary to shop for marijuana for sale.

  • Even though this has been the case for several years now, I still can’t quite get over this reality.

For sure, if you had asked me 20 years ago about the possibility of recreational marijuana, I’d have been doubtful at best. But thankfully, that has all changed as the truth about cannabis can finally be understood. It’s always a good thing when truth replaces myth. And in the case of marijuana, that appears to be what’s happened and continues to happen. Normalizing recreational marijuana use is finding more and more traction across the breadth of our country. And I love what it does for our weekends. My husband and I have never really been the type to spend all weekend at bars or parties. For sure, we like to be social and there is a component of that in our lives indeed. But really, we’d much rather turn to our passion for cooking and combine that with our enjoyment of sativa and indica strains. The fact that we can just go to the local cannabis spot and get the sort of sativa and indica products that we want is awesome. And at least once a weekend, we enjoy either smoking some sativa, indica or hybrid strains and then cooking. Of course, we don’t over do it with the cannabis or that results in couch lock and calling for pizza delivery. We’ve been there and that’s really not our style either. But splitting a cannabis edibles is even something that kicks off our cooking and dining night just right.
Cannabis delivery

New Marijuana business is incredible

I’m so in love with this place.

So I have to once again tip my cap to our local cannabis spot. First of all, I’m just ecstatic that I can even shop for marijuana for sale at all. I don’t take that for granted for a second. When you are of my generation, it wasn’t looking good for me living to see legal recreational marijuana ever. 35 years ago, when I first discovered recreational marijuana in college, I dreamed of buying cannabis legally. Just to get some meager weed of unknown THC content or lineage, it was scary back then. I hated having to try and find weed and was so scared of getting busted. So walking into the cannabis dispensary always comes with a lot of gratitude. Yet, I thought I’d seen it all when the local cannabis spot started a cannabis delivery service. Not only were we able to shop for marijuana for sale, but we could now have marijuana delivery. But the local cannabis spot topped that when it opened it’s latest marijuana business. We now have a cannabis cafe that is right around the corner from the local cannabis spot. But this place is all about the best coffee in town and all the cannabis edibles you could ever dream of. As I understand it, they owners of the local cannabis spot are deeply into making cannabis edibles and that’s how the cannabis cafe was born. I’m so in love with this place. Sure, the cannabis edibles are delicious and mind blowing but it’s more than that. I love just being in the cannabis cafe even if it’s just for a cup of the best coffee ever. There is a vibration and an atmosphere in the cannabis cafe that is just unmatched.

Cannabis for sale

Another big cannabis vacation

We are lucky to be in our early 50’s and have so much vacation time.

This is one of the benefits of working for the same company for going on 30 years I suppose.

Actually, my husband and I also met when we both took jobs at that very same company right out of college. And we also chose to put down the recreational marijuana when we started our careers. We both agree now that this was a dumb idea. But it was a very different landscape back then when it came to using marijuana. For one, we both had moved to this new town and had no idea who to talk to when it came to procuring recreational marijuana. And getting busted on a simple possession charge would probably be the end of our jobs. Of course, that’s not mentioning all the drug testing that was all the rage back then. Obviously, we got married and realized that using cannabis was something we both really enjoyed. Now that we actually have access to cannabis dispensaries in different parts of the country, we plan our vacations around cannabis. Well, it’s not all sativa and indica products that interest us on our vacations. That’s why it’s so cool that most of the places where recreational marijuana is legal, there is plenty of cool places to explore as well. So we are currently planning our biggest cannabis vacation yet. We are taking a two week swing through several western states that offer recreational marijuana an shopping for marijuana for sale. It’s going to be an epic trip and I can hardly wait for the Fall to get here so we can start our next marijuana vacation.


recreational weed store near me

Wake me when the marijuana delivery has arrived.

I had a long work week last week.

I put in over sixty hours and all I wanted to do was put an order into the recreational marijuana dispensary and go home.

I was going to have marijuana delivery so I could get some rest before my friends showed up. I walked in the door, and my partner was already home. I kissed his cheek and told him I was going to take a nap. I asked him to wake me when the marijuana delivery arrived. He smiled and went back to making dinner. I was so tired that I instantly fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of my friends in the living room. I rushed into the shower and got dressed. My partner was laughing at one of the guys, and I went over to him. I wanted to know why he didn’t wake me when the marijuana delivery arrived? He told me he had tried, but I mumbled and rolled away from him. He knew how tired I was and didn’t want to disturb me since I was sleeping so well. After being told the marijuana delivery services dropped off the marijuana products about a half hour earlier, I just looked at him. I had only been sleeping for a little over an hour, but I felt like I had been sleeping for a week. I felt so refreshed that I thought I could party all night. Unfortunately, the marijuana delivery person had dropped off the wrong order, and we didn’t have nearly enough marijuana products to last an hour. I had to call and ask for the rest of my marijuana products and added a few more to make sure we had enough marijuana products to last the night.



recreational cannabis store

My neighbor sold cannabis to pay for school

The cannabis was a means to an end, so once he reached the end, he stopped dealing

I want to tell you about an old neighbor of mine named Carl. I first met Carl about ten years ago, when I was attending school, however carl was in one of my classes, plus my pal and I hit it off rather well once I found out he was a gambler plus a weed dealer. My great friend and I hung out plus had beers a few times, plus slowly became great friends. I also availed of his professional services… You see, Carl worked genuinely hard to pay his own way through school without taking out student loans, but he made currency by “running a book” plus taking bets on athletic interesting events. He also sold cannabis plus on rare options he would sell other drugs too. Cannabis was a given with Karl, he consistently had some on hand, however it was rare for him to sell pills or mushrooms. He explained to me that, at the time, the cops didn’t genuinely care about busting a cannabis dealer, however they genuinely wanted to bust an ecstasy dealer. As long as he stuck to selling cannabis, Carl didn’t have to worry about the cops. He had rules that he abided by, plus that allowed him to successfully make currency from cannabis for the entire time he was going to school. Once Carl graduated, he instantaneously stopped selling cannabis plus taking athletic interests bets. The cannabis was a means to an end, so once he reached the end, he stopped dealing. The only great part about that was he had a “fire sale” at the end by selling his remaining cannabis at a deep discount.

recreational marijuana

I cherish getting high at the petting zoo

In the past I have gotten high plus gone to the zoo, but I had never been stoned at a petting zoo, which let me just say is a far more pleasurable experience, however at the real zoo there is always a prison vibe happening! When I get stoned I feel anxious for the critters trapped like that, however the petting zoo is filled with cute little babies, plus creatures allowed to run around free.

  • It’s much more uplifting, especially with a head full of cannabis smoke.

I cherish the baby goats most of all, especially because if I stand still long enough they will climb on me like a rock. I stand in the parking lot for an hour, smoking a few bowls of cannabis plus getting really ripped, plus then go spend an afternoon with the baby goats at the petting zoo. It’s amazing. What is your favorite interest to do under the influence of cannabis? That’s the best thing about weed, right, how it enhances the delight you get from things? A buddy of mine cares about getting ripped on OG Kush, eating a few edibles, plus then spending a whole evening at the planetarium! Shows at the planetarium are only 30 minutes long however he doesn’t care, he will pop cannabis edibles plus watch 7 or 8 shows over the course of a night… For me, there is nothing that tops the baby goats. I also cherish cannabis edibles, however to me they don’t pack the same punch as smoking flowers. I usually only take cannabis edibles when I plan on sitting on the couch for a few hours.

recreational marijuana store

I love getting high at the petting zoo

In the past I have gotten high in addition to gone to the zoo.

But I had never been stoned at a petting zoo, which let me just say is a far more pleasurable experience! At the real zoo there is constantly a prison vibe happening, then when I get stoned I feel worried for the pets trapped like that, and the petting zoo is filled with cute little babies, in addition to creatures allowed to run around free; It’s much more uplifting, especially with a head full of cannabis smoke. I love the baby goats most of all, especially because if I sit still long enough they will climb on me like a rock. I sit in the parking lot for an hour, smoking a few bowls of cannabis in addition to getting absolutely ripped, in addition to then go spend an afternoon with the baby goats at the petting zoo. It’s amazing. What is your number one activity to do under the influence of cannabis? That’s the best thing about weed, right, how it enhances the joy you get from things? A friend of mine cares about getting ripped on OG Kush, eating a few edibles, in addition to then spending a whole night at the planetarium… Shows at the planetarium are only 30 minutes long but he doesn’t care, he will pop cannabis edibles in addition to watch 7 or 8 shows over the course of a night, but for me, there is nothing that tops the baby goats. I also cherish cannabis edibles, but to me they don’t pack the same punch as smoking flowers. I usually only take cannabis edibles when I plan on resting on the couch for a few hours.

recreational pot

Getting high three unusual ways

On second thought I decided to spread my money around, and buy a variety of cannabis products instead.

Let me tell you about the undoubtedly amazing weekend I just had. First of all, things started off good on Tuesday, and just after dinner the power went out at the shop. After a half hour, the boss decided to close down for the morning, so I got sent house 3 hours early! On my way house I stopped by the gas station for a 12 pack and some smokes. On a whim I decided to buy a scratch-off lottery ticket, however guess what? I won $300 money! I took my winnings across the street to the liquor store for a enjoyable bottle of scotch, and then stepped inside the cannabis dispensary to spend the rest of my money. This was “found money” meaning it happened by chance, so it was better for my karma to spend it on cannabis then put it in the bank, however my first instinct was to buy a fat sack of a premium cannabis strain like OG Kush or Purple Haze. On second thought I decided to spread my money around, and buy a variety of cannabis products instead. I still got a little OG Kush, however I also picked up some cannabis edibles, and a current vape pen; Personally I feel that unusual kinds of cannabis products hit me differently. For example, edibles don’t get me high the same way as smoking out does, and the same is tploy for vape products. I planned to find out what it was like to get stoned all three ways at once, by smoking weed, vaping, and chowing down on some cannabis edibles.


Cannabis delivery

I appreciate getting high at the petting zoo

In the past I have gotten high and gone to the zoo, but I had never been stoned at a petting zoo, which let me just say is a far more pleasurable experience.

At the real zoo there is consistently a prison vibe happening! When I get stoned I feel upset for the animals trapped like that, however the petting zoo is filled with cute little babies, and creatures allowed to run around free, however it’s much more uplifting, especially with a head full of cannabis smoke.

I appreciate the baby goats most of all, especially because if I kneel still long enough they will climb on me like a rock. I kneel in the parking lot for an hour, smoking a few bowls of cannabis and getting undoubtedly ripped, and then go spend an afternoon with the baby goats at the petting zoo. It’s amazing. What is your favorite interest to do under the influence of cannabis? That’s the best thing about weed, right, how it enhances the joy you get from things? A friend of mine cares about getting ripped on OG Kush, eating a few edibles, and then spending a whole evening at the planetarium, but shows at the planetarium are only 30 minutes long although she doesn’t care, she will pop cannabis edibles and watch 7 or 8 shows over the course of a night… For me, there is nothing that tops the baby goats. I also prefer cannabis edibles, however to me they don’t pack the same punch as smoking flowers. I usually only take cannabis edibles when I plan on kneeling on the couch for a few hours.



medical pot