In the past I have gotten high and gone to the zoo, but I had never been stoned at a petting zoo, which let me just say is a far more pleasurable experience.
At the real zoo there is consistently a prison vibe happening! When I get stoned I feel upset for the animals trapped like that, however the petting zoo is filled with cute little babies, and creatures allowed to run around free, however it’s much more uplifting, especially with a head full of cannabis smoke.
I appreciate the baby goats most of all, especially because if I kneel still long enough they will climb on me like a rock. I kneel in the parking lot for an hour, smoking a few bowls of cannabis and getting undoubtedly ripped, and then go spend an afternoon with the baby goats at the petting zoo. It’s amazing. What is your favorite interest to do under the influence of cannabis? That’s the best thing about weed, right, how it enhances the joy you get from things? A friend of mine cares about getting ripped on OG Kush, eating a few edibles, and then spending a whole evening at the planetarium, but shows at the planetarium are only 30 minutes long although she doesn’t care, she will pop cannabis edibles and watch 7 or 8 shows over the course of a night… For me, there is nothing that tops the baby goats. I also prefer cannabis edibles, however to me they don’t pack the same punch as smoking flowers. I usually only take cannabis edibles when I plan on kneeling on the couch for a few hours.