My new life in the cannabis dispensary

I have to credit the COVID pandemic for allowing me to pivot my life and go in a new direction. Looking back, I’m not sure if I ever wanted to be a lawyer, or if that was what was wanted for me. My dad and both my brothers are lawyers, so that seemed like the right path to take. I really hated the job though, and when the pandemic had all of us working from home, I finally had time to reflect on my choices. I realized that aside from the money I hate my life. After cashing out my 401k I quit, and picked up a part time job at the cannabis dispensary. I have had to cut down on a lot of my expenses, and change my lifestyle, but life at the cannabis dispensary is a thousand times better than my old life. On top of it all, I get a really sweet employee discount on all my marijuana products, which is a bigger benefit to me than health and dental insurance. Plus there are the free samples, which are more frequent than you think in a cannabis dispensary. When a new line of hybrid strains is being released, for example, they will send “tester samples” along with the first shipment. This allows the workers at the cannabis dispensary to try them out for free, and hopefully be able to recommend them more strongly to the customers. I have tried more types of new cannabis in the last year than I have in my whole life previous, so I know I made the right choice.



recreational cannabis