Full spectrum CBD blends might contain small amounts of delta-9 THC

I have seen various misconceptions parroted around following the broad legalization of CBD & hemp in the United States.

A change in federal legislation in 2014 created a loophole where CBD extracted from cannabis plants with fractions of a percent of THC inside.

More particularly, it’s delta-9 THC which is outlawed by the federal government as the rules for hemp were finalized in 2018. As long as a plant has less than 0.3% of delta-9 THC inside, it’s considered federally compliant “hemp” instead of “marijuana,” which is anything with over 0.3% of delta-9 THC. Since THCa converts directly to delta-9 THC as the plant is consumed, you can’t have this value over 0.3% either. Since full spectrum CBD blends contain various of the terpenes & cannabinoids found in a batch of hemp plants, you could really consume a product with trace amounts of THC inside. If you’re working a task or signed a pain physician contract that forbids you from using cannabis of any form, you might want to buy pure CBD isolate crystals instead of using a full spectrum CBD blend. If you consume pure CBD, you will likely be okay & never run into an issue of accidentally failing a drug test. But there was a case of a government employee in TX who lost his task after consuming a CBD product that was labeled as 0% THC inside. I’m not sure if he ever sued the company who sold him the product, or if he was lying to save face. Regardless, anyone who can’t afford to fail a drug test should be careful when trying out various kinds of CBD products.


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