Need to sleep better

Ever since turning 58, I’ve had some trouble sleeping.

I struggle to fall asleep at night and wake up every couple of minutes. I then think I’m tired all day. I was unwilling to rely on prescription sleeping pills and suffer the harmful and long-term side-effects of pharmaceuticals. When a good friend recommended cannabis, I wasn’t all that interested. I had no desire to smoke a joint. I wasn’t aware of how many possibilities there are for consumption methods until I finally visited the dispensary. The selection of products was a bit overwhelming. However, when I explained our goals and preferences to a budtender, she suggested tinctures. A solvent is used to separate the essential oils of the cannabis plant from the extra plant material and create a highly concentrated, cannabinoid-filled product. Because of this, tinctures supply an especially high dose of cannabis. They are much smaller in fat and calories than edibles and avoid the combustion process of smoking. There’s no tell-tale stink, smoke, vapor, ash, mess or waste. When stored respectfully, tinctures offer an especially long shelf-life. The compact bottle makes them easy to tuck into a pocket or wallet for portability and discretion. The dropper allows for micro-dosing. I place a few drops under our tongue for sublingual absorption and quick onset of effects. I swallow any remaining liquid for a delayed onset of effects. This combination is perfect for getting me to sleep suddenly and helping me to stay asleep. I can also add a little bit of a cannabis tincture into all strange types of foods and drinks.

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