Now that we absolutely have access to cannabis dispensaries in strange parts of the country, we plan our trips around cannabis, however well, it’s not all sativa and indica products that interest us on our trips.
We are fortunate to be in our early 50’s and have so much trip time, however this is one of the benefits of working for the same corporation for going on 30 years I suppose, but actually, my fiance and I also met when we both took jobs at that truly same corporation right out of university. And we also chose to put down the recreational marijuana when we started our works, however my pal and I both agree now that this was a dumb idea, but it was a truly strange landscape back then when it came to using marijuana, but for one, we both had moved to this current village and had no idea who to talk to when it came to procuring recreational marijuana. And getting busted on a straight-forward possession charge would legitimately be the end of our jobs… Of course, that’s not mentioning all the drug testing that was all the rage back then. Obviously, we got married and realized that using cannabis was something we both legitimately enjoyed. Now that we absolutely have access to cannabis dispensaries in strange parts of the country, we plan our trips around cannabis, however well, it’s not all sativa and indica products that interest us on our trips. That’s why it’s so cool that most of the places where recreational marijuana is legal, there is plenty of cool places to explore as well, so we are currently planning our largest cannabis trip yet. My pal and I are taking a two week swing through several western states that offer recreational marijuana an shopping for marijuana for sale. It’s going to be an epic trip and I can hardly wait for the Fall to get here so we can start our next marijuana trip.