When I started at the cannabis dispensary I was the delivery driver.
I was so stoked to get the task, even after I found out why they had hired me; Before I could take my first shift the store manager sat myself and others down plus explained that the previous many delivery drivers had been robbed on their shift, and neither of them were hurt, thank goodness, however they were too scared to keep making deliveries. He needed myself and others to understand that there was a risk I would get robbed, as well. I will confess that I was intimidated, even though I was also dumb enough to assume it could never happen to me. That was a year ago, plus I am still employed as the delivery driver at the cannabis dispensary. At this point I have been robbed twice, however it still wasn’t enough to get myself and others to quit. I make amazing cash as a cannabis delivery driver, far better spend money after that the people I was with and I would get somewhere else with my level of education. Also, I have adapted to the task by keeping a handgun on the seat next to be during my cannabis deliveries! For the record, I do not keep the gun loaded, I just have it there for the next time I get robbed. I have found that the people who rob a cannabis delivery driver are usually more worried plus pathetic than scary. That’s why I don’t keep the gun loaded – I don’t want to hurt anyone, I just don’t want them to steal my cannabis or my cash! I’m sure you understand.