The delivery driver position was open for anyone to take

When Jack quit working at the marijuana dispensary, there was a delivery driver position open.

I wanted the delivery driver position and I told the boss that I was willing to do anything.

She put me at the top of the list for the position. I started driving a couple of days later. Being a driver is a lot different than working inside of the marijuana dispensary. I don’t have to deal with customer issues as much. Every once in a while there is a customer that is upset and I have to turn on the charm. This was the case last Thursday when I forgot to bring a product to a customer. The customer ordered several jars of cannabis concentrate as well as an Elixir. I forgot to grab the Elixir off the shelf before I left that afternoon. When the customer realized that I forgot part of his order, the guy got upset and started complaining. I politely and calmly told the customer that it was an oversight and an accident. I offered to bring the product back to his apartment with my next order. The guy was irate and convinced that I forgot the Cannabis product on purpose. I tried everything possible to make the guy happy, but he still called the boss to complain. After I got back to the dispensary, the boss told me about the customer complaint and she asked me to return to the address with the items that I forgot. At least the customer gave me a second tip when I returned with the rest of the order.


Marijuana delivery