I had a lot of great ideas, but I didn’t have the money to implement most of them.
I wanted to start a cannabis growing business of my own and I was really good at growing marijuana.
I came up with a strain of my own that was 37% THC and grown outdoors. The plant was sick with t h c and marijuana oil ran out of the stem of the plant under the pressure of my fingertips. The plant was easily the most beautiful Cannabis sativa flower that I had ever seen. I wanted to take my strain into full production, but I didn’t know the first place to start. Luckily, a friend of mine found a cannabis consulting agency. The owner of the Cannabis consulting agency agreed to meet with me because he was intrigued by the name of my marijuana strain. We talked for 20 minutes and then the guy got up and closed the door to his office. He started talking in a really low voice. It seemed like we were in the middle of a spy show. Then the guy dropped a huge bomb on Me. He wanted to be the person to invest in my cannabis business. He didn’t want to share the information with anyone else. He said if the marijuana was really as good as I said, that he would put up the money right now. I told the guy that I had some bud and the car and we went outside of the office to smoke a joint. The guy didn’t seem to care if there were 100 cars in the parking lot. He was excited to try this outdoor strain that I was bragging about.