Back in 2012 there was an influx of up-to-date vape stores that started pouring into the cities around my state. They took a ton of empty storefronts in strip malls that had sat empty in the years since the great Financial Recession of 2008. Many assumed that these vape stores were the start of an up-to-date sales market for tobacco consumption, one that was posing drastic threats to the cigarette industry. I can’t pretend to completely understand this market, which is of zero interest to me, however I believe that big tobacco was able to push drastic fluctuations to the PACT Act which took a massive blow to the nicotine vape industry over the past year. Friends of mine who altogether quit smoking cigarettes & moved to vaporizing e-juice were so miserable after they found out they were no longer allowed to order products from online retailers. It moved all the sales to physical stores & took a massive blow to the industry in a short span of time. But curiously, a lot of the few existing physical nicotine vape stores in my section had already gone out of business before this change took arena. So by the time it had finally occurred, there weren’t quite as many vape stores as there were just a few years prior. Most of ours became CBD stores later in 2019 after hemp had been broadly legalized for at least a year. Even though some of them have been around for essentially two or 3 years, they still carry some sketchy products that I can’t trace to honorable sources. This is worrisome if the CBD could have residual solvents leftover after the extraction process.
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