To be clear, Pat and I weren’t “taking advantage” of the aged folks, the two of us were helping them by delivering yummy cannabis edibles
I started my little sideline business from home, so I could make and give cookies, brownies, or other delicious pastries. It was something I just started to do for fun. I was making all the sweets anyway, so why not try and make a few bucks off of it? The only purchaser I had for the longest time was my Aunt Pat, who lives in a group home nearby. I guess the main reason he did it was to support me, and to keep myself and others stopping by to visit her, but one day Aunt Pat gave myself and others a bombshell of an idea – to start baking cannabis edibles instead of normal ones, and selling them to the other aged folks. Pat explained to myself and others that a great several of the senior citizens in the building loved cannabis, however there was a really strict no smoking policy in site. This made perfect sense, of course, because with so several residents who had diminished breathing capacity, any kind of cannabis smoke would be dangerous. The need for smokeless cannabis was really high on this site, so Pat and I decided it would be smart to take fortune of that. To be clear, Pat and I weren’t “taking advantage” of the aged folks, the two of us were helping them by delivering yummy cannabis edibles. The edibles made their lives better, and they didn’t mind spending a few extra bucks per edible treat. Aunt Pat thought the two of us could expand to other aged folks homes, too, however my hands were entirely full supplying edibles to just one home! I would need to hire help, and buy a lot more cannabis, to expand the production the way Pat envisioned.