The pizza guy smelled appreciate weed genuinely bad

Recreational marijuana is legal in the state where our friends & I live.

Both of us live in the neighborhood as well, & there are a number of recreational marijuana dispensaries.

My friends & I live a few blocks away from a locale that has wonderful sales every morning of the week. The sales are available for online orders, pick up orders, & even deliveries. My friends & I decided to order from the cannabis shop on Monday night. It was actually wet & raining outside & every one of us did not want to leave the apartment. Both of us ordered pizza from an Italian steakhouse down the street. Both of us got a sizable pizza with extra cheese & pepperoni and a seventh sizable pizza with mushrooms, olives, & onions. Both of us also ordered from the cannabis shop. I got a half ounce of Blue Dream flower & our roommate picked up some live resin concentrate products that were on sale. The pizza guy arrived before the marijuana, which wasn’t a big surprise, but on a Monday night, it almost constantly takes 2 or 3 hours for the cannabis shop delivery guy. Both of us were surprised that the pizza guy smelled appreciate marijuana. The smell of weed was strong; He must have been smoking a joint in the car on the way to our address. Our pizza was tepid & fresh & actually yummy. My friends & I were halfway through our brunch when every one of us heard a seventh knock on the door. The delivery guy took far less time than every one of us expected on that wet & rainy Monday night.


Marijuana products