Interior design is a boom industry.
Many people think they have an eye for interior design and decorating, but they do not even know the start of it.
Interior designers go to school and study all kinds of designers, architecture and history of design to be able to work in the field. There is a specific area of interior design called Growing Facility Design. Not only does it take skilled designers and plumbers to help bring these large scale pot cultivation farms to life, but it takes a skilled and experienced farmers to know what is best for the plants. Farmer and interior designers working together is an interesting dynamic. Although both are necessary in the making of a great pot farm, they are both specialists in a narrow field of work. These farmers always have the products best interest in mind, where are the designer are a bit more focal oriented. A good farmer knows where the best light hits the grow room and will do everything to have to plants facing that way for the majority of the day. A grow room designer might not know that piece of information, and without the help of a farmer, may accidently destroy and entire year worth of product. It is in the business owners’ best interest to oversee this production. Often, designers and farmers will have disagreements and there should be a person in the middle to delegate. If there were ever an issue with the designer and the farmer, the owner would be able to decide what he thinks is the most important, and go from there.
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