That’s from her particularly & not just my own assessment
I have to say that I’m more amazed by cannabis than I thought I ever could be, there had constantly been talk about the healing powers of this aged remedy, but, I wasn’t so sure, for me, recreational marijuana was more about a relaxing time than it was about any sort of healing. But that all changed when my mom got cancer. This was a turning point in my feelings about cannabis products. By the time mom got sick, I had pretty much put down the recreational marijuana as life got dire after college. Plus, it was an illegal substance & I sure wasn’t interested in getting busted for recreational marijuana, and explaining that to the boss would not be something that I could have done successfully back in those days, then so when my mom got her cancer diagnosis, she was lucky to be living in a state where medical marijuana was legal & advised by her healthcare expert, however he fast tracked getting her access to the local cannabis spot so she could get the indica products she needed prior to starting treatment. I was amazed by how my mom did so well with the cannabis edibles. They made such an incredible difference when it came to the side effects from chemo, and more than that, she was positive & hopeful because of the cannabis. That’s from her particularly & not just my own assessment. So when I suffered a series of panic attacks not too long ago, it was to the cannabis dispensary that I turned. Not only did I like the fact that the sativa strains cleared out that fatalistic thinking, I enjoyed that I was able to use a natural product as well.