When the budtender told me they offered marijuana delivery to their patients, I got excited.
I had to put in two orders and pick them up, and then I was eligible for medical marijuana delivery. I asked if they charged extra for marijuana delivery. She told me they charged $10, but the owner of the marijuana dispensary was considering dropping marijuana delivery fees. For $10, I thought I was getting a bargain. I couldn’t go to the dispensary and pick up my marijuana products for that much. I thanked her for all the information and headed home. When I began going through their website, I found it very interesting. I found many products I would like to try, but most of them were too expensive for me. After filling my cart, I started weeding through the items that weren’t on sale. Their website was kind of cumbersome, and it took some time, but I found three products I could afford and would work for me, and called the marijuana dispensary. I told the budtender what I wanted to order and asked for marijuana delivery. She told me to put the order online, and give me payment information. They would then give me an option of marijuana delivery times available. If none of them worked, I could set up marijuana delivery for the following day. If marijuana delivery doesn’t work out this first time, I may try it a second time. If marijuana delivery goes well, I may continue doing marijuana delivery for the entire time I’m using medical marijuana.