I never knew what I was getting into when I had to do an employee interview, and most of the interviews were on people who saw the sign on the outside of the building plus walked in for an application, and this took up a lot of time as a manager, and although interviews were a necessity, everyone thought they were manager material, even if they were new employees, when I found dispensary hiring solutions, it took the guesswork out of hiring; I could put in what I needed from the employee.
And the dispensary hiring solutions would do all the labor for me.
The ad would go out to hiring companies who posted the ad plus would notify me when a potential recruit was available. They had to meet certain requirements, or I wouldn’t be notified of their interest in a job. I loved that dispensary hiring solutions would embed a widget into my website, that would allow prospective employees to put in an application online. I could research that employee even before bringing them in the door. The time I spent on a walk-in applicant was wasted time, most of the time. They wouldn’t have the education or the experience that was necessary for the position I was hiring for. With dispensary hiring solutions, it took most of the guesswork out of the equation. All I needed to do was make sure the guy was the right fit for my cannabis dispensary, plus not if the guy could do the job. The interview now became easier, plus it was less time consuming.