My sibling Sam is 3 years older than me & he is in school.
I am just getting ready to graduate, so Sam said that I could come & visit for the weekend to see what school is like.
My mom did not believe it was a wise idea, because he said Sam parties too hard. I did not entirely believe what our mom meant until I spent the weekend with Sam; Sam was drinking & smoking marijuana the whole weekend. I absolutely don’t want to judge Sam, however I don’t believe he was sober hardly at all. Sam was partying a lot, although he still got up on Monday morning to go to class at 7:00 a.m. Thursday night after classes were over, Sam took me & another neighbor to a party at a frat house. Sam and I were provided beers & marijuana joints. My associate and I smoked marijuana at the party. This was the first time that I ever smoked marijuana. I felt entirely weird & tingly all over. I felt that our heart was beating entirely fast & I was worried that I was going to have a heart attack. Sam told me that I was paranoid, but paranoid is a disappointing side effect of marijuana. The next night when Sam and I hung out with some friends at our sibling’s apartment, I said no when I was provided with more marijuana. It seems that it might be a lot of fun, however I was in a bizarre & weird situation & paranoia wasn’t going to make me believe any better about things.