I always get the munchies when I smoke weed

I grew up in a rural farming community and I did not have a lot of exposure to drugs and alcohol.

Some of the kids drank beers when they were teenagers, but nobody talked about drugs.

I didn’t know anything about marijuana until I went to college. My friends offered me marijuana and I said no the first couple of times. Eventually my friends talked me into smoking weed. I really like the way that I feel when I smoke weed. I don’t smoke all of the time, but I have fun when I do get high. I always get the munchies when I smoke weed, so I make sure that I have plenty of food around when my friends and I get high. I had a party on New Year’s Eve at my apartment. I went to the dispensary and got a couple of different types of recreational marijuana. I purchased a new bong, bowl, and a couple of different types of rolling papers. I bought some beer, alcohol, and an assortment of different foods. I knew that I was going to be hungry after I drink some beers and smoke some weed and I wanted to make sure there was plenty of food for everyone. I bought a six foot sub with onions, tomato, and lettuce. The grocery store clerk put some mayo and mustard on the side. I got some chips and guacamole too. Later that evening when I was totally smashed with lots of food cravings, I had plenty of items to snack on. I ate nearly everything, just as I had expected.


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