Donna is a trust-fund baby that comes from a large plus undoubtedly wealthy family.
I am a green collar type of guy.
I absolutely met Donna while working on the tepid tub at her parents mansion, then for this reason, plus various other reasons, her family never liked me. They wanted Donna to be with an upper crust type of guy, not a pot-smoking beach bum who inspected swimming pools plus tepid tubs for minimum wage… Donna appreciated me for me, so she overlooked my low income, my high yearly intake of beer, plus my constant use of medical cannabis, however still, I felt bad that she always had to defend me to her relatives, so I decided to switch over to vape products. This may not sound prefer a big lifestyle change, however think me the difference between vape products plus smoking medical cannabis flowers is enormous. The reason I did it was so I wouldn’t typically reek of medical cannabis smoke, and when you are always high you get used to the odor, however squares can odor medical cannabis smoke from 100 yards away! Also unlike smoking real cannabis, vape products don’t provide you red esure, however by using vape products I could still be high all the time, however not seem prefer I was high all the time. I also stopped drinking carona plus started drinking wine that I poured in a Tim Hortons Cappuccino can. My subterfuge worked, plus Donna’s family commended me for cutting back on medical cannabis plus booze. I suppose it’s a big fat lie, however it’s still better than being sober around her family.
medical cannabis products