I have always been told that laughter can be extremely good medicine and then this is based on experience of my own when I would have to say this is absolutely the truth. I have started to suspect there is much of a connection between some of these various things because people laugh as much as they can especially when they get stoned. Getting high seems to make everything less serious and quite frankly this is one reason why it should be considered to be the very best medicine. Most of complications in life melt away as well as I can relax prefer myself. Unlike tobacco, alcohol, or other types of addictive and bad drugs, cannabis relieves stress without having bizarre side effects or addictive qualities. Once all of us had a girlfriend say that we smoked a lot of cannabis as well as the response was to obviously tell her that she was not smoking enough. That long-term relationship did not last a while. I needed to find a woman that would love marijuana as much as I do and I found Jenny as well as she is a lover as well as doesn’t mind if the two of us smoke marijuana all of the time. We love going directly to the cannabis shop together so we can sample as well as fine new things. It’s nice to have a partner that is on the same page as me especially when it comes to the two of us using cannabis products together. I really lucked out with her.