The flight was grounded thanks to weed in the bathroom

A lot of basic problems – both big and small – can stop a flight from getting off the ground.

It might be something electrical or mechanical in nature, or it could be as straight-forward as a lost piece of luggage. It might be a nagging issue with the heating or the plumbing. I have never absolutely been on a flight with a lot of trouble until a couple of weeks back. I had been on the red-eye flight on our way back apartment from a 2-month supplier meeting. The flight was 4 and a half hours long plus I was trying to get some sleep so I could drive apartment after the flight. I still had 2 and a half hours of driving after I arrived at the airport plus I didn’t want to waste any time getting back home. This flight was grounded when someone was caught smoking marijuana in the bathroom. I didn’t smell marijuana, however 1 of the flight attendants received a complaint from someone resting up front. The person said that they could smell the odor of marijuana coming from the bathroom. The flight attendant closed the bathroom plus evaluated the section. She must have found marijuana or something else that was scary, because the two of us had to land way ahead of schedule. Our flight was delayed plus grounded plus they took some guy off of the plane in handcuffs. Of course there are cameras all over the plane to catch any person going in plus out of the bathroom. I never thought about it in the past, however I am sure that’s how they figured out who had been smoking marijuana in the bathroom on the airplane.
