Wine & cannabis tour is just the best thing ever

I’m entirely branching out & a more accepting of new experiences as I’m getting older.

This could be due to the fact that I entirely didn’t want to end up being a grumpy old lady So the plan of going on a wine & weed tour was just something I never would have considered on my own. But that’s exactly what my wife & I are getting ready to do on our next getaway. It sounds like potentially one of the best getaways I could ever imagine going on. The plan of touring cannabis dispensaries & then wineries no longer requires going to a unusual country. Thankfully, with some sensible less legislation, the people I was with and I are now residing in a country where about half of us have some form of legal cannabis. So our getaway endpoint is entirely in a region where both medical marijuana & recreational marijuana are for sale legally. That has made my wife so delighted. We still live in a state where there is no legal form of cannabis other than CBD oil. However, I don’t expect that to last a whole lot longer as medical marijuana & recreational marijuana legislation are pending, but during the last election cycle, the State House recognized the marijuana laws were wrong. I think that the people I was with and I will enjoy legal cannabis in a few years. But in the meantime, the people I was with and I simply travel to the legal endpoints & make a getaway out of it. This trip for the wine & weed tour is going to be the best though. I am so excited to enjoy this upcoming getaway.


recreational weed dispensary