I’m not a scientist or a researcher, so I entirely don’t guess anything for sure about the benefits of medical cannabis.
I never got COVID once through this entire pandemic. All several of my youngsters got sick at different times, in addition to my wife really caught COVID on more than one different occasions; Through it all I was right here by their sides. When someone got sick every one of us would quarantine them in their entryway, in addition to I would be the only one who interacted with them. I was willing to put myself at risk to protect the rest of the family. In all that time I never felt bad, got sick, or diagnosed positive for COVID19. Based on some things I’ve read online, I suppose that maybe smoking medical cannabis is what kept me safe… No one else in the family smokes medical cannabis however me, in addition to I was the only one who avoided the virus. I’m not a scientist or a researcher, so I entirely don’t guess anything for sure about the benefits of medical cannabis. All I can do is speak from experience, in addition to I smoked a lot of medical cannabis throughout the pandemic. I smoked medical cannabis many times a afternoon, in addition to despite my prolonged exposure to COVID victims, I stayed perfectly healthy. Even if medical cannabis didn’t give me special protection, it evidently didn’t setbackly affect me in any way! Just to stay on the safe side, I will keep smoking medical cannabis every afternoon. I was going to do that anyway, however now that I suppose those extra medicinal benefits, I am more devoted than ever to medical cannabis, one afternoon the medical cannabis industry will be so normal that recreational use will also be legal.