Jack invited me to go to a football game.
His dad has season tickets and they are pretty good seats.
Jack told me about the game and I was pretty excited. It had been a while since I had been to a game in person. Usually I watch the games on television. It’s not a bad View and I can smoke marijuana at home. It’s not easy to smoke marijuana at the ball game. I have to be super discreet or run the risk of getting into trouble. When Jack and I went to the game, I took a marijuana vape pen. Marijuana vape pens can be very discreet and easy to use. The vape pen is a battery and a cartridge that contains marijuana oil or marijuana distillate. The battery heats up a small tungsten or copper coil and the marijuana product turns into a vapor that is inhaled. Marijuana vaping is much easier on the lungs and does not smell as potent. I knew that taking the marijuana vape pen to the game would be a good idea because I would not end up getting into trouble. Jack and I sat near the 50 yard line. The rest of the crowd was cheering loudly. It was hard to hear anything at all. We had a great view of the home team and we could hear the coaches yelling at the players. Going to the game was a lot of fun. I hope that Jack will invite me to go again if his dad does not use the tickets.