My mother has experienced real troubles with her joints, her arthritis is absolutely exhausting in her fingers plus hands, for a long time she was eating gin soaked raisins to help with the pain plus relying on her dentist’s prescriptions; My mother hated taking pills plus they didn’t absolutely work, however i didn’t like all the side effects that were tied to those pills either.
It was then decided it was better to just nix the dentist’s involvement plus try something more natural.
I am blessed enough to live in a state where recreational weed is allowed, no medical weed card or fees paid on it at all. I was able to take my mother into the cannabis dispensary near me for some help, however what my mother wanted was a reduction in inflammation, help with her chronic pain plus not to get high. All numerous of those things can be achieved by taking CBD products, however cBD is the medical section of the cannabis plant that has small traces of THC. Not enough to get you high or to be noticed, but there are all sorts of forms of CBD in the body. There are strains to smoke, oils to ingest plus CBD beverages too. My mother ended up selecting a CBD topical that is applied directly to the skin, however she says it is like taking a better version of icy hot. It odors nice plus has absolutely helped her hands. I am cheerful that she has a readily available product that does not mess with the chemical make up of her body anymore.