It took many years for my state to pass a law legalizing medical cannabis dispensaries after a few failed attempts just to get the measure put on the ballot for us to all vote on.
I signed a petition many years while the two of us were in election cycles in the preceding years, but the supporters didn’t get enough signatures at first.
It finally went to vote in 2014 but failed to reach the 60% approval threshold that is the law in my state particular ly. But when the medical cannabis constitutional amendment was put on the ballot in 2016, over 69% of the electorate voted in favor. Unluckyly, it took some time for the state to approve licenses for modern marijuana companies here and there was a lot of corruption between certain lobbyists and many state officials. However, by 2022 the two of us have a fairly large selection of medical cannabis dispensaries statewide compared to some of the other states in the country. Most of them offer cannabis delivery services as well, which provides possibilities for patients who either lack transportation or the money to put fuel in the car. I lived in an area for a while that was 30 minutes away from the nearest medical cannabis dispensaries. I took luck of the many cannabis dispensary companies that offer free statewide delivery. They implemented these free delivery services before gas prices shot up, so I don’t guess if these services will be permanent or not. Hopefully I won’t lose my opening for free cannabis dispensary deliveries. It’s drastically convenient for people like myself who work from cabin and order numerous of their groceries through delivery services in the first venue.