Using a CBD topical for muscle soreness

There is nothing in the product to get you high

I am a gymnast and in my late twenties. I am not competing or anything, just doing it for fun. It is a good workout and I like working towards a fitness goal. They say tumbling peaks at age 16. I am trying to prolong my gymnastic career as much as possible. I keep up with stretching and all my tricks so I don’t get afraid and lose them. Since I am older though, I am more prone to injury. I don’t arch or have the flexibility anymore. I also am more likely to overdo it because I don’t want to lose a trick. I tend to overcompensate. I frequently have sore muscles after a long work out. At first I would take a warm shower, rub some icy hot on the soreness and maybe ice later in the day. It never really did much for me. I then heard from a friend that also is a fitness buff that topicals are the way to go. At the cannabis dispensary near me they had a whole line of topicals to choose from. At first I was worried since I would be buying a cannabis product. I didn’t want to get high mid day. I still wanted to work, focus and be productive. I am not a fan of just being high while doing other things. I found there are topicals like a patch that has THC that goes directly into the bloodstream. However, there are creams and lotions that are just CBD topicals. There is nothing in the product to get you high. All it does is reduce inflammation and help the pain in your body. That was exactly what I wanted.
CBD tinctures