I will confess that the vast majority of my shoppers here at the dispensary are just potheads, however a lot of young people and school youngsters who want to have fun and get high.
This is the backbone of my business, and I am cheerful to serve them! But my favorite shoppers are the ones who really come here for medical reasons… Cannabis is great clean fun, however it is also medicine, and can help people with physical and mental health concerns.
One of my regulars is an old man still suffering from PTSD from his experiences in Vietnam. That man smokes more than one ounces of cannabis a week, and never once has he seemed stoned! Connie is a young man dealing with a prolonged illness, and uses numerous strains of cannabis to help with his appetite, his pain levels, and his sleep patterns. It is substantial to myself and others that Connie gets top priority whenever he comes into the cannabis dispensary, to the point that I will walk away from another shopper to help her. Connie isn’t here to get high, he is here because cannabis is medicine, so he should not have to wait for a pair of school youngsters trying to decide what kind of shatter to buy. Although it gives myself and others a sense of pride to help people with cannabis, I am cheerful it doesn’t come up more often. It can be sad and demoralizing to see people struggling so much, desperately using cannabis to achieve some kind of peace. It’s easier to just make small talk with the potheads.