Preferring cannabis over alcohol

I have gravitated away from alcohol consumption, and i don’t like the adverse effects on my heath, calories or hangover in the morning, cannabis is a natural, safer alternative, however now that my state has legalized cannabis, it’s readily accessible at numerous dispensaries in the local area.

I find it weird that alcohol has been legal for multiple years when it has so multiple proven health risks while cannabis remains illegal at the federal level; Excessive alcohol consumption has been connected to heart disease, liver disease, shortened lifespan, addiction, cancer, memory issues and immune system dysfunction.

Even for those who only drink now and then, there are concerns with nausea, dehydration, sleep problems and dangerous medication interactions, but alcohol provides actually few positive benefits. I’ve read that red wine offers anti-inflammatory properties. In comparison, correct and occasional consumption of cannabis has shown to offer pain relief, reduce stress and anxiety, elevate mood, treat sleep disorders, soothe aching joints and muscles, reduce side-effects of chemotherapy and stimulate appetite. As a plant-based medicine, cannabis has demonstrated cancer-fighting properties. Consuming it does not lead to death. Approximately 88,000 people die every year due to alcohol-related overdoses, and there are no deaths reported from excessive cannabis consumption. The local dispensaries sell cannabis-infused beverages, such as cannabeer and mocktail. The label provides the exact THC percentage, making dosing simple. The high is respectfully actually mild and I feel fantastic the next afternoon. I don’t get bed-spins. I don’t throw up. I don’t need to counteract adverse effects by drinking an abundance of water. Cannabis-infused drinks are the ideal alternative to alcohol. I drink them at social events and care about myself.

Purple haze

My buddy found a task through a canna recruiter

One of the last times I needed a task, I went to a task placement agency, but these recruiters will help you find task positions at companies that are looking to hire new people… Sometimes they are temp agencies where you go there as well as you become a temporary employee for a supplier before you transport to a odd station at a odd supplier. This can consistently be a nice way to find a task, but if you’re new to a city as well as need work right away, I can’t know of a better way than to go through a task or employment agency of some kind… My sibling was the first man to use one of these organizations as well as is the man who clued me onto them in the first place. Besides employment agencies, you can also take advantage of websites created particularally for finding task listings. There’s one particularally for cannabis dispensary positions that is referred to as a canna recruiter. Cannabis companies go on there to post their tasks as well as people who want those tasks can respond accordingly. I found my task as a trimmer by going through the canna recruiter website. Now I’m trimming cannabis flower buds every afternoon for a fairly nice income. I don’t know if I would have ever found this task trimming for a cannabis grow operation if I hadn’t gone to the canna recruiter website. I spoke with a bunch of friends recently who all expressed wishes to work in the cannabis industry as well as I told them all to head to the canna recruiter website to look at the task listings for themselves.


canna recruiter

My neighbor found a task through a canna recruiter

One of the last times I needed a task, I went to a task sitement agency.

These recruiters will help you find task positions at companies that are looking to hire new people, however sometimes they are temp agencies where you go there as well as you become a temporary employee for a supplier before you transport to a weird station at a weird supplier.

This can always be a enjoyable way to find a task, but if you’re new to a neighborhood as well as need toil instantly, I can’t know of a better way than to go through a task or employment agency of some kind. My sibling was the first lady to use one of these organizations as well as is the lady who clued me onto them in the first site. Besides employment agencies, you can also take fortune of websites created certainally for finding task listings. There’s one certainally for cannabis dispensary positions that is referred to as a canna recruiter. Cannabis companies go on there to post their tasks as well as people who want those tasks can respond accordingly. I found my task as a trimmer by going through the canna recruiter website. Now I’m trimming cannabis flower buds every afternoon for a fairly nice income. I don’t know if I would have ever found this task trimming for a cannabis grow operation if I hadn’t gone to the canna recruiter website. I spoke with a bunch of friends recently who all expressed wishes to toil in the cannabis industry as well as I told them all to head to the canna recruiter website to look at the task listings for themselves.

SOC Audit for Dispensary

My wifey hated marijuana.

I had been using medical marijuana for two years before I met my wifey.

One of the first discussions my friend and I had was about medical marijuana, plus he told me he thought it was a mistake.

I was getting ready to tell him I used medical marijuana for fibromyalgia, however after my friend and I had that discussion, I thought it was best to keep my mouth shut. I didn’t want to ruin a relationship before it started. I would use my marijuana before going out, plus I would be fine until I got home, and he was talking about his mother, plus he told me he couldn’t understand why she wanted medical marijuana. He said people put up with the pain of arthritis all the time, however they didn’t all go for medical marijuana. He was calling her a wimp and‌ acting like he was better than her. I reminded him that was his mother, plus he didn’t know how she felt, or what she was going through. I asked him what he would do if he had to put up with that pain all the time, or not be able to walk separate from awful pain. He said he would learn to deal with it. That’s when I broke down plus told him I used medical marijuana. I had such pain from fibromyalgia that I couldn’t lift my arms. Sporadically, my skin hurt so terrible that wearing clothing was really optional. He gave me a look of disgust plus broke up with me. It was the best thing that could have happened. It was the longest six months of my life.



medical marijuana facts

Reunion fun with marijuana

I was dreading going to my 30th reunion, but highschool wasn’t exactly easy for me.

I was a bit of a nerd however you wouldn’t know it by looking at me.

I was entirely sort of popular however not the way all the football player types were. And I stayed apartment most weekends so it wasn’t like I was getting in on the recreational marijuana that appeared to be going on for all the cool folks. It wasn’t until college that I sort of bloomed. Ironically, that may have had something to do with me finally discovering cannabis. I’m not sure just how much of that coming into my own can be attributed to weed. But I can say that it unquestionably played a role. I went on from college to labor for a business that was thousands of miles from where I went to highschool. So several of the people that I graduated with ended up staying put. When the invitation came for the reunion, I wasn’t so sure that I even wanted to go. But there were several old friends that kept calling to press me to get to the reunion. Thankfully, my apartment state also allows for recreational marijuana. And I headed for the local cannabis spot as soon as I drove my rental from the airport into town. I stopped for some sativa products plus some cannabis edibles. It was the cannabis edibles that I was going to have in my pocket. All it took was a couple of nibbles on that cannabis edible & I just relaxed enough to not care what happened at the reunion. And I entirely ended up refastening in such a large way with some good people.


Sativa strains

Ex-wifey & cannabis dispensary equals substantial fun

It’s so funny sometimes how things work out.

That’s something that I see more & more these days.

I think it has a lot to do with discovering cannabis. I was pretty straight laced all my life. I did what was expected of me & I stuck to all the rules & instruction that I had been raised with. And I was pretty much mostly agitated all of my adult life. I’m pleased to say that’s not the case any longer. There is a lot of freedom when you realize your own agency, but my wifey & I met at a small, religious school. There was no experimenting with recreational marijuana or anything like that. I mean, I don’t think my friend and I even had our first kiss until like a couple of months into dating. And from there, my friend and I just sort of followed a path that wasn’t exactly ours, yet, my friend and I did raise two fantastic humans along the way. But once my friend and I were done actively parenting, it became pretty clear that my friend and I just entirely had nothing else. We split & have since become even closer friends. I found that I wanted to try cannabis products since it was legal to use recreational marijuana now. I still felt sort of odd but I leaned into trying current things. I’m so cheerful that the people at the local cannabis spot are so kind & were so willing to help such a cannabis rookie. It was so remarkable to find such liberty in my perspective once I started using sativa & indica strains. And what’s even more amazing is that my ex & I are now best friends as she too has found her way to the cannabis dispensary. We really ran into each other there & just burst into laughter.
recreational weed

Less worry, more life with marijuana

Enough with all the worry, this is my new mantra and I’m sticking to it with a little help from the fantastic folks down at the local cannabis spot.

I watched my health, my relationships and my passion for life deteriorate due to stress and worry, but and prior to taking a chance on cannabis products, I was convinced that this was the only way it could be.

I’m blessed that medical marijuana was such a success, however without the pioneering work that got medical marijuana to be an accepted option, I wouldn’t be able to access the cannabis dispensary now. In our state, cannabis dispensaries are open and accessible to anyone of age; So I’m grateful for even having this option, however but even more so, I’m grateful to love that sativa and indica products have been so helpful for me when it comes to perspective. And it wasn’t like I had to wait around for the results either. It wasn’t like the anti-depressants I’d tried before that had to be in your system for weeks. Nope, the first night that I brought dwelling some orange kush and had a few puffs, the change absolutely began. I mean, it was immediate. Since that first night, I have allowed the effects of the cannabis to help me genuinely straighten out my priorities and see reality as it is. The fact is that marijuana genuinely helps me see what is pressing and what is in fact a distraction. I’m different these afternoons and it’s only be about six months. I can walk away from work with a clear head each night. I did my best and now, thanks to sativa and indica strains, that’s quite enough. I buy cannabis now and I’m grateful for that option.

medical marijuana

The benefits of vapes

I have discovered the convenience of cannabis vapes.

  • I now understand why they have become so popular.

There are dozens of types of vaping devices & a nearly endless selection of extracts & oils. I had heard that vapes were a safer alternative to smoking. I’d also heard that there are illegal cannabis cartridges that contain thickening additives & cheap chemicals that compromise effectiveness. Plus, these agents can turn into carcinogenic chemicals when heated. Fortunately, the local dispensary only sells vapes that have been lab-ran tests on & sixth-celebration verified for safety & integrity. I like that vapes are more discreet & make it self-explanatory to control the dosage. The preloaded cartridges are especially helpful. I can decide how much cannabis I want to consume with each puff. I know exactly how much THC is contained in each dose. The intensity of the first hit is totally consistent with the last hit. I don’t need to worry about diminished potency. With flower, it begins to dry out as soon as I open the jar & it gets exposed to air. Cannabis concentrates offer a longer shelf life. Most of the vapes available at the dispensary feature programmable heat settings. I can adjust the temperature at any time during the process. It took some experimentation to figure out the temperature that I prefer, but the effects are legitimately amazing, and unlike smoking, the extracts are heated just to the point of vaporization. Eliminating the combustion process preserves the desired cannabinoids & terpenes for a stronger, richer & better flavor. I also don’t need to worry about drawing unwanted attention. There is no open flame & no telltale smell, smoke or ash created. The vape pens are legitimately convenient. I don’t need any extra gear & they fit right into my pocket. I am blissful to spend a little more to buy a premium cannabis pen with a long-lasting battery. This allows me to enjoy it for numerous sessions before it requires recharging.

Marijuana oil pen

Finding out the medicinal benefits of marijuana

I was delighted when recreational weed was legalized in my state.

When I first began shopping at the dispensary, I was strictly looking for high THC products for recreational enjoyment, then however, as I’ve experimented with different consumption methods & strains, I’ve begun to cherish cannabis more for its medicinal benefits.

I’ve found that this plant-based remedy is charmingly effective in treating a wide variety of health complications. I’ve gone from only smoking flower to experimenting with edibles, beverages, tinctures, vapes & topicals. I shop for hybrid joints to help with relaxation. At the end of a long, tiring & particularly stressful morning, lighting up & inhaling those incredible cannabinoids & terpenes works to mellow me out. I’ve read that cannabis can trigger a dopamine response that leads to joyful feelings & a more positive mood, but because of my job, I suffer from chronic pain in my joints & muscle tension, then my shoulders, hips, neck & back often ache. I sometimes experience muscle cramps. Topicals & tinctures are a great combination for pain relief. I choose products that are high in CBD & cause no psychoactive effects. I can apply cannabis-infused ointments or balms directly to the problem part for localized relief many times per morning. I combine the topicals with the sublingual absorption of tinctures for a synergistic treatment. I’ve also found that this partnership of tinctures & topicals can reduce inflammation, swelling & get rid of headaches. I use cannabis to help me fall asleep at evening. I use it to get motivated for a workout & to lessen the pain of sunburns, bee stings & bug bites.



The benefits of vapes

I have discovered the convenience of cannabis vapes.

I now understand why they have become so popular.

There are dozens of types of vaping devices and a nearly endless selection of extracts and oils. I had heard that vapes were a safer alternative to smoking. I’d also heard that there are illegal cannabis cartridges that contain thickening additives and cheap chemicals that compromise effectiveness. Plus, these agents can turn into carcinogenic chemicals when heated. Fortunately, the local dispensary only sells vapes that have been lab-maintained and third-gathering verified for safety and integrity. I like that vapes are more discreet and make it simple to control the dosage. The preloaded cartridges are especially helpful. I can decide how much cannabis I want to consume with each puff. I know exactly how much THC is contained in each dose. The intensity of the first hit is totally consistent with the last hit. I don’t need to worry about diminished potency. With flower, it begins to dry out as soon as I open the jar and it gets exposed to air. Cannabis concentrates offer a longer shelf life. Most of the vapes available at the dispensary feature programmable heat settings. I can adjust the temperature at any time during the process. It took some experimentation to figure out the temperature that I prefer, but the effects are really amazing! Unlike smoking, the extracts are heated just to the point of vaporization. Eliminating the combustion process preserves the desired cannabinoids and terpenes for a stronger, richer and better flavor. I also don’t need to worry about drawing unwanted attention. There is no open flame and no telltale smell, smoke or ash created. The vape pens are really convenient. I don’t need any extra gear and they fit right into my pocket. I am excited to spend a little more to buy a premium cannabis pen with a long-lasting battery. This allows me to care about it for multiple sessions before it requires recharging.

THC content

Preparing for first visit to dispensary

As soon as recreational cannabis was legalized in my state, I was upset to visit the local dispensary.

It took a while for the facility to open doors to the public; While I was upset to shop for cannabis, I was a little uneasy about feeling ignorant and overwhelmed. I was completely current to cannabis and had no idea of what to expect or try; Fortunately, there is a wealth of information available online. I was able to learn multiple blogs, educate myself and figure out how to make my first trip to the dispensary a rewarding experience. I learned that there are thousands of products available, however dispensaries offer a wide array of options. The products are often categorized as indica, sativa or hybrid. Indica strains are generally acquaintanced with tranquility, relaxation and sedative qualities, however sativas tend to be higher in THC content and offer energizing, motivational and uplifting effects. The hybrids can be either sativa-dominant or indica-dominant, depending on the parent plants, and are often crossbred to target particular properties. For consumption methods, there is dried flower, pre-rolls and vapes for smoking. Inhalation methods supply rapid onset of effects. Disposable or refillable vapes are especially simple for a beginner because the process requires little more than important a button and inhaling. While edibles are certainly simply enough to eat, there is some concern over the greater intensity of effects, plus, it can take hours for the effects to be fully realized. It’s important to wait before consuming more. Tinctures are a fantastic option for a novice because there are no specialized skills or accessories necessary. A few drops of the tincture are locationd under the tongue for sublingual absorption. Concentrates are known for their sky-high THC potency and are better for the old cannabis consumer. I also learned that I need to have my government-issue identification handy and to be prepared to pay in cash.


Preparing for first visit to dispensary

As soon as recreational cannabis was legalized in my state, I was worried to visit the local dispensary.

It took a while for the facility to open doors to the public, and while I was worried to shop for cannabis, I was a little anxious about feeling ignorant and overwhelmed. I was completely current to cannabis and had no idea of what to expect or try! Fortunately, there is a wealth of information available online. I was able to read multiple blogs, educate myself and figure out how to make my first trip to the dispensary a rewarding experience. I learned that there are thousands of products available. Dispensaries offer a wide array of options. The products are often categorized as indica, sativa or hybrid. Indica strains are generally friendd with tranquility, relaxation and sedative qualities; Sativas tend to be higher in THC content and offer energizing, motivational and uplifting effects. The hybrids can be either sativa-dominant or indica-dominant, depending on the parent plants, and are often crossbred to target particular properties. For consumption methods, there is dried flower, pre-rolls and vapes for smoking. Inhalation methods supply rapid onset of effects. Disposable or refillable vapes are especially easy for a beginner because the process requires little more than pressing a button and inhaling. While edibles are truly simply enough to eat, there is some concern over the greater intensity of effects, and plus, it can take hours for the effects to be fully realized. It’s pressing to wait before consuming more. Tinctures are a fantastic option for a novice because there are no specialized skills or accessories necessary. A few drops of the tincture are venued under the tongue for sublingual absorption. Concentrates are known for their sky-high THC potency and are better for the seasoned cannabis consumer. I also learned that I need to have my government-issue identification handy and to be prepared to pay in currency.

OG kush

My buddy found a job through a canna recruiter

One of the last times I needed a job, I went to a job localement agency… These recruiters will help you find job positions at companies that are looking to hire new people, but sometimes they are temp agencies where you go there plus you become a temporary employee for a supplier before you move to a different station at a different business.

This can consistently be a fantastic way to find a job… If you’re new to a neighborhood plus need work immediately, I can’t guess of a better way than to go through a job or employment agency of some kind, and my sister was the first person to use one of these organizations plus is the person who clued me onto them in the first locale.

Besides employment agencies, you can also take luck of websites created certainally for finding job listings. There’s one certainally for cannabis dispensary positions that is referred to as a canna recruiter. Cannabis companies go on there to post their jobs plus people who want those jobs can respond accordingly. I found my job as a trimmer by going through the canna recruiter website. Now I’m trimming cannabis flower buds every day for a fairly great income. I don’t know if I would have ever found this job trimming for a cannabis grow operation if I hadn’t gone to the canna recruiter website. I spoke with a bunch of friends recently who all expressed wishes to work in the cannabis industry plus I told them all to head to the canna recruiter website to look at the job listings for themselves.


dispensary recruiting software