Author: Paul

The first time I smoked cannabis

I remember being fifteen as well as smoking our first joint. It was at a sleepover, when numerous of our friends came over for our birthday! One of them brought a joint with him. At this point honestly few of us had ever sampled “the devil’s lettuce” before, so it felt care about a big […]

A rough start to our cannabis delivery task

When I started at the cannabis dispensary I was the delivery driver. I was so stoked to get the task, even after I found out why they had hired me, and before I could take our first shift the store manager sat myself and others down as well as explained that the previous numerous delivery […]

I label all of my cannabis strains carefully

When I got harsh about weed I started to label it carefully. It helped that I got 1 of those Cricut machines for Christmas. Have you heard of these things, they are amazing. I was able to custom print a series of labels for glass jars. I wanted to keep my strains of cannabis organized, […]

All I wanted was a simple marijuana delivery.

I wasn’t looking to put in a huge marijuana order. I had one item I needed and I didn’t want to go. My fibromyalgia was acting up and I could barely pull myself out of bed. I laid there and wondered if I could get a marijuana delivery for a new cartridge for my vape […]

The weed dispensary has pretty good sales

I already had a prescription for medical marijuana, then at the first of last year recreational marijuana was also legalized. So I no longer had to spend money any fees to the state for a medical marijuana card, but it does help myself and others save more on the sales taxes as well as the […]

The specials on pre-rolls caught my attention

I do not usually carry marijuana with me when I am on a business trip. I do not smoke marijuana absolutely often, so there is hardly ever a need for myself and others to buy marijuana when I am away for just a few days. I was in a neighborhood where recreational marijuana is legal […]

The cannabutter brownies were a little too potent

My friend Ben purchased equipment that makes cannabutter. Ben used the equipment to make a bunch of butter that is infused with cannabis. Ben gave myself and others a cup of the infused cannabutter. Ben warned myself and others to be careful with the product, because it was absolutely potent. The very first thing I […]

The CBD dog chews worked great

I really appreciate going with my dog Max to the beach, but my lake house is only about 5 or 10 hours away from the beach, even if Max as well as I are walking. I got a pretty good deal on the lake house so my monthly rent is much lower than most of […]

The winner of the grand prize wasn't me, I guess

All during the month of May, my friend Jim as well as I went to the marijuana dispensary because there were discounts, sales as well as specials. The marijuana dispensary was celebrating the 4/20 holiday with a different sale every single day of the week. There was a calendar online with all of the events […]

The 3-pack special on blunts was a great deal

I drove to the hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack. I had chest pain as well as my arm going numb. My dentist told myself and others that I was having anxiety; He recommended I go to a licensed therapist to learn why I was having panic attacks. I thought the […]

I had to get some sativa concentrates during the sale

The marijuana dispensary in the hood had a huge sale on concentrates as well as I decided to order some sativa concentrates during the huge sale. The marijuana dispensary has about a hundred and fifty types of cannabis concentrates that are available at any odd time. They have the biggest selection of pot products across […]