Author: Paul

Medical marijuana should be cheaper.

I am a firm believer that medical marijuana should be cheaper. You need to pay a lot of money to get a medical marijuana ID card, and the price of buying medical marijuana is crippling our wallets. I see people coming into the medical marijuana dispensary, and I can tell they aren’t any better off […]

Medical marijuana should be cheaper.

Medical marijuana should be cheaper or partially covered by our insurance. I am a firm believer that medical marijuana should be cheaper. You need to pay a lot of currency to get a medical marijuana ID card, and the price of buying medical marijuana is crippling our billfolds. I see people coming into the medical […]

Medical marijuana should be cheaper.

I am a firm believer that medical marijuana should be cheaper, but you need to pay a lot of currency to get a medical marijuana ID card, plus the price of buying medical marijuana is crippling our purses. I see people coming into the medical marijuana dispensary, plus I can tell they aren’t any better […]

Medical marijuana should be cheaper.

I am a firm believer that medical marijuana should be cheaper, however you need to pay a lot of currency to get a medical marijuana ID card, and the price of buying medical marijuana is crippling our wallets. I see people coming into the medical marijuana dispensary, and I can tell they aren’t any better […]

Medical marijuana should be cheaper.

I am a firm believer that medical marijuana should be cheaper, and you need to pay a lot of currency to get a medical marijuana ID card, and the price of buying medical marijuana is crippling our trifolds. I see people coming into the medical marijuana dispensary, and I can tell they aren’t any better […]