Author: Paul

Cannabis oil ended up getting all over my shirt

I headed over to the store the other weekend to pick up a few new shirts for work. I honestly have been wearing nothing but white shirts for the past five years, even though I thought it might be fantastic to have a few light colored shirts. Black and white suits used to be a […]

I can’t sleep at night without my cannabis wax

Since recreational marijuana isn’t actually legal in this state, the number of dispensaries is fairly low. Medical marijuana has been legal for multiple years, but the cost of treatment is still ridiculously high. It costs about $200 to visit with a medical marijuana doctor and then you have to pay another $200 for the State […]

Chronic pain comforted by medical cannabis

I remember when medical marijuana was trying to get passed in our state. It took a couple of times on the ballot before finally passed. Unfortunately, I didn’t vote for the passage of medical cannabis at any point. This was due to the fact that I was still a bit cynical when it came to […]

Treating my PTSD with medical cannabis

I’m for sure still figuring it all out but the group therapy and medical marijuana are sure helping. Struggling with PTSD has been the toughest challenge of my life thus far. Trying to overcome the trauma of combat is almost tougher than the combat itself. At least when the fighting and carnage was over, it […]

Medical cannabis gets me more migraine free days

I’m back at work and haven’t missed a full day in over 3 months. This is a remarkable turn of events and it’s all due to medical cannabis. For years, I have dealt with migraines that have gotten progressively worse. The doctors have certainly given it every effort to find the right combination of meds. […]

Cannabis smoking and movies go hand in hand

I am a substantial movie buff, and I was essentially raised on movies! My parents were both pretty huge fans, plus all of us would go to the theater each weekend over the warm season vacation, seeing all the movies we could. I have carried that enjoyment with me my whole life, and although I […]