Author: Paul

Pot in the apartment is a bad idea

There’s nothing wrong with our up-to-date apartment. It is actually very nice. The big problem is the apartment complex. I have become used to residing inside of my home. I’m not an outdoorsy guy but I actually miss the backyard where I could stand in addition to admiring the nice guy. I actually messed up […]

Learning to use RSO for physical pain

Rick Simpson Oil is a full spectrum cannabis concentrate that is made by soaking cannabis flower buds in a solvent like alcohol, straining out the plant matter, plus then cooking the solution down until virtually none of the alcohol remains Dealing with severe physical pain can be debilitating, especially when it’s chronic. My mother disfigured […]

RSO isn’t like your typical cannabis edible or extract

Dealing with dire physical pain can be debilitating, especially when it’s chronic. My father disfigured his back working in construction on numerous occasions during his 40 years in the business. Although he managed to get to the 65-year retiring age before finally quitting, he was starting to lose some of his former mobility by his […]

Full spectrum effects with RSO cannabis oil

I went online and asked people in multiple forums what sort of cannabis edibles a person with chronic back pain should use, and the resounding answer was RSO Dealing with extreme physical pain can be debilitating, especially when it’s chronic. My father mangled his back entirely working in construction on numerous occasions while I was […]

I originally thought cannabis edibles didn’t work on me

Dealing with drastic physical pain can be debilitating, especially when it’s chronic. My father disfigured his back, really working in construction on many occasions while the people I was with and I were in his 40 years in the business. Although he managed to get to the 65-year retiring age before quitting, he was starting […]

All of the medical marijuana in my state is lab tested

I waited for years to get access to some form of legal marijuana. My friends and I in school had to risk losing our places in our liberat arts university by breaking the law purchasing it and consuming it in our individual dorm rooms. Living in an house off campus wasn’t any better because all […]

It was nice checking out the CBD products

Never having had the opportunity to purchase marijuana products or head into a marijuana dispensary, my first time in a recreational marijuana dispensary was a big surprise! I don’t actually know for certain what I expected to see in the recreational marijuana store, but it wasn’t what I saw. I saw a large array of […]