Author: Paul

I can use it on my skin now

I have developed some concerns with arthritis in our hands. The fingers of my right hand often feel sort of tight, stiff and sore. They swelled up to the point where I needed to cut my rings off. I suppose there are pills available, however I’m unwilling to take them. Instead, I looked into more […]

What strains do I enjoy

I suffer from headaches and mild anxiety. I am unquestionably fortunate that recreational marijuana is legal in our state. I didn’t need to spend the time or cash to see a doc to verify symptoms I’m well aware of. I wasn’t forced to fill out a bunch of forms and wait to earn a medical […]

Now I want to try something new

As I’ve gotten more familiar and feel at ease with unusual types of cannabis consumption methods, I’ve become more crazy, then rather than strictly smoking flower, I’ve tried many tinctures, edibles and vapes. Just a few months ago, I started looking into concentrates. There are so many possibilities for concentrates that it’s a little overwhelming. […]

Why you want to try tinctures

I am currently going through menopause and dealing with insominia, sizzling flashes, head aches and muscle cramps Tinctures have been a familiar form of medicine since way back in the day. This week, cannabis tinctures are getting famous for portability, discretion and ease. Tinctures are created by steeping cannabis in a cleaner and are ingested […]

A bit of education

Before making a trip to the dispensary, I did some research into cannabis consumption methods. I wanted to be expertiseable before consulting with a budtender and making a purchase, but while recreational cannabis is now readily available in our state, the products are quite fancy. I was reluctant to waste my money or be subjected […]

Vaping is pretty cool

I take advantage of the daily deals to save some currency I’ve frequented the local dispensary ever since recreational cannabis was legalized in our state. I purchased either loose, dried flower or pre-rolls. I wasn’t interested in getting all that adventurous with consumption methods. I enjoy the process of smoking and find it relaxing. I […]

A wide range of edibles

When I have some extra time around on a Tuesday night or Monday morning, I enjoy making the stop at the dispensary. I look forward to their day to day deals, daily specials and ever-increasing selection of products. While I appreciate checking out the colors and fragrances of the flower, various concentrates and topicals, our […]

Need to sleep better

Ever since turning 58, I’ve had some trouble sleeping. I struggle to fall asleep at night and wake up every couple of minutes. I then think I’m tired all day. I was unwilling to rely on prescription sleeping pills and suffer the harmful and long-term side-effects of pharmaceuticals. When a good friend recommended cannabis, I […]

Buying nice quality cannabis flower

I’ve been shopping for cannabis at the local store for various years. Initially, I was excited to try out all of the strange consumption methods. I sampled a variety of edibles, purchased tinctures and topicals and had some fun with vape carts. Eventually, I went right back to smoking flower. I savor rolling up a […]

Glad I don’t roll my own

While I’ve constantly been a fan of smoking typical cannabis flower, I’m no expert at rolling a joint. I either pack too much or too little bud, roll the joint too tight or too loose and usually end up with a big mess and waste, but just attempting to create a joint requires a number […]

Helping with mobility

I have developed issues with arthritis in my hands. The fingers of our right hand often feel quite tight, stiff and sore. They swelled up to the point where I needed to cut our rings off. I know there are medications available, however I’m unwilling to take drugs. Instead, I looked into more natural remedies […]

What strain do I like?

I do better with around 16% THC, and I savor a higher CBD ratio I suffer from headaches and small amounts of anxiety. I am easily lucky that recreational marijuana is legal in our state. I didn’t need to spend the time or currency to see a nurse to verify symptoms I’m well aware of. […]

What is a concentrate?

As I’ve gotten more familiar and comfortable with the different types of cannabis consumption methods, I’ve become more crazy; Rather than strictly smoking flower, I’ve tried various tinctures, edibles and vapes. Just a while back, I started looking into concentrates. There are so many possibilities for concentrates that it’s a little overwhelming. I did some […]