The two of us were upset that cannabis would be out of hand if the two of us spent much of our day at the condo.
Working from condo is a usual transition that the two of us had to make. The two of us are exactly ambitious as well as driven by our job. The main type of thing that we worry about is that we will make currency as well as it does not matter if the two of us like the job or not. The bosses told the two of us that we would begin to labor from home as well as we were being pranked. The two of us wanted to work from our home as well as it sounded great to sit on this sofa while laboring on a laptop and watching netflix. That is of course not at all what it is like. The two of us were upset that cannabis would be out of hand if the two of us spent much of our day at the condo. This wasn’t occasion that the two of us were willing to take. The two of us would easily be in trouble or even possibly fired if the two of us were smoking marijuana and our office as well as accordingly we did not do it. At condo there is no one to be on oversight so there is absolutely nothing to stop the two of us from smoking marijuana all day long. Tomorrow the two of us are going to hit up some of the harder projects that we have as well as try to keep numbers high but smoking cannabis at our condo is also something else on the list.