Enough with all the worry.
This is my new mantra and I’m sticking to it with a little help from the good folks down at the local cannabis spot.
I watched my health, my relationships and my passion for life deteriorate due to stress and worry. And prior to taking a chance on cannabis products, I was convinced that this was the only way it could be. I’m fortunate that medical marijuana was such a success. Without the pioneering work that got medical marijuana to be an accepted option, I wouldn’t be able to access the cannabis dispensary now. In our state, cannabis dispensaries are open and accessible to anyone of age. So I’m grateful for even having this option. But even more so, I’m grateful to enjoy that sativa and indica products have been so helpful for me when it comes to perspective. And it wasn’t like I had to wait around for the results either. It wasn’t like the anti-depressants I’d tried before that had to be in your system for weeks. Nope, the first night that I brought home some orange kush and had a few puffs, the change actually began. I mean, it was immediate. Since that first night, I have allowed the effects of the cannabis to help me really straighten out my priorities and see reality as it is. The fact is that marijuana really helps me see what is important and what is in fact a distraction. I’m different these days and it’s only be about six months. I can walk away from work with a clear head each evening. I did my best and now, thanks to sativa and indica strains, that’s quite enough. I buy cannabis now and I’m grateful for that option.