My friend is switching over to cannabis

My friend Debbie has had a whole lot of surgeries over the past several years.

She has actually had so many surgeries that I have lost count of all of the different ones that she has had to deal with.

She is always having some sort of random thing happening to her that ends her up in the hospital. She fell into a storm drain once and broke her leg, and once she chipped a bone in her elbow by hitting it against the door of the refrigerator. It just seems like it is always something with Debbie and you just never know what she is going to do next. She hurts herself a lot and I feel sorry for her sometimes. She has been in and out of the hospital and surgery centers a lot and she has also had to take lots of different prescription drugs, which she hates. She started to do some research on different kinds of medical cannabis and she ended up finding some cannabis products that seem to be doing the trick for her. Debbie doesn’t care that no one else in our circle of friends thinks that she shouldn’t be using cannabis products. She has always been her own person and if cannabis is going to work for her, then nothing that anyone else says is going to make her think otherwise. Debbie is totally sold now on the benefits of cannabis products and she uses them all the time to help her deal with all of the pain issues that she has to deal with because of her past accidents and issues. She told me the other day that she’s even thinking of trying to open up her own cannabis dispensary!


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