All the different edibles to choose from

For a long time I thought in order to try cannabis you needed to smoke it.

Since our father is a cigarette smoker and has a hard time quitting, I didn’t want to get into smoking.

I didn’t want to wreck our lungs. I knew vaping a cannabis oil ensures you are taking in anything too bad, but I really didn’t love the method of inhaling something! Concentrates and tinctures didn’t really appeal to me either. I found out topicals apply directly to the skin love a cream or balm, where is the fun in that though? When I realized there were edibles, a new world was opened up to me. I am an edible girl all the way. I much love eating over smoking. There are so many possibilities of edibles too. You can do a mouth spray that is love a breath spray. There are THC infused gummies, candies and suckers. There are CBD infused baked goods love chocolate, cookies and cakes. There are even mints and gums that have cannabis in them. I found cannabutter and cooking oils with THC and CBD in them. I love that I can be a little different with our cannabis use. If I want to be straight-forward and just get some THC in me, I choose a gummy form. It is so quick and I don’t have to take too many of them. For a treat I love to do baked goods love a pot brownie. For almost everyday use I use our cannabis cooking oil.

Cannabis oil pen