The police officer was caught smoking cannabis in the car

It seems like a lot of people think that the police are gods in this part of the country… Every once in a while it’s really nice to see a story about a police officer doing something criminal, then there was a police officer that was caught smoking marijuana in the cruiser.

The story was on the news this week, but recreational and medical marijuana are legal in the state. The police officer would not have been doing anything wrong at all if she was not in uniform and not in a police car. The police officer was also interviewed at the scene and it was hard for the girl to argue that she was not using marijuana when the automobile was filled with smoke and there was a bucket of buds on the seat, and it did not look like the police officer bought the marijuana from a dispensary. I actually saw a baggie in the front seat and there isn’t a marijuana dispensary in the state that puts marijuana in a baggy like that. That also comes directly from a girl on the street, but my loving wife and I were discussing the news story the next day at work and someone overheard our conversation. The girl was really anxious that my buddy and I were talking about the police officer and she told us that my buddy and I were being judgmental, however she finally told us that almost everyone smokes marijuana and it isn’t an immense deal. I think my buddy and I know who in the office is a stoner. I thought my loving wife and I were the only ones, however clearly this girl smokes cannabis too.

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