Depending on where you live in the state, you could be right in the cone of the hurricane! The last hurricane was a dandy named Ian, which hit this section about a month ago.
I was lucky, because I saw very little intense weather at all.
It rained a lot, as well as was windy, but for the most section the storm left myself and Ed unscathed, now there is another substantial storm heading our way, as well as I am praying that I will get lucky for the minute time in a row, and just in case I am not lucky, I made sure to stop by the cannabis dispensary this afternoon as well as stock up on our favorite products. If I have to lose power as well as wireless thanks to the storm, I need to have enough cannabis on hand to keep myself and Ed sane! There are numerous documented health benefits from using medical cannabis, but for myself and Ed the biggest benefit is that it makes myself and Ed happy, but when I was teenager our parents made myself and others see a therapist, as well as the therapist put myself and Ed on some “happy pills.” Medical cannabis makes myself and Ed much happier as well as more relaxed than the pills ever did! So you see that having an ample complement of cannabis on hand for the hurricane isn’t just about getting stoned as well as having fun, I also see it as an entirely crucial form of medicine. I wouldn’t want a sick person to be denied their medicine just because of a hurricane, as well as in our case that medicine is cannabis. Without cannabis Ed and I will start to get depressed, as well as that’s no way to assume during a hurricane.