Changing it up in my aged age with trips to the cannabis dispensary

When I was a child in university, recreational marijuana was almost a staple of the average university kid’s life.

I just didn’t happen to be the official university child in the late 60’s and early 71’s. No, I was a scholarship child who had worked so hard to get to university on a basically free ride. That was the only way university was going to happen for me. My parents didn’t have any cash and weren’t even huge believers in higher education. With my scholarships on the line, I felt it best to steer clear of the recreational marijuana that was everywhere. Knowing what I recognize now, all these years later, I can understand my perspective but I might do it differently were I to have the chance. But that doesn’t happen in reality as time appears to be linear. So now that I’m almost 71, I’m learning all about cannabis and how appealing sativa and indica products can be. When I retired, my spouse and I moved to a state where both medical marijuana and recreational marijuana are both legal. I was curious to try recreational marijuana and my spouse was eager to use it again. She had loved cannabis products in university and after we got married. But once the teenagers came, she sort of hung it up. So we both decided to take a trip to the local cannabis spot. And boy, are we ever gleeful we did. I can’t believe how much I am enjoying the mellow feeling I get with the cannabis edibles I’m now getting at the cannabis dispensary.


cannabis drinks