Ever since I was a young kid, I have been an extremely active person.
I used to play soccer and would kick the ball against the side of the garage when there was no one around to play with me because it was made out of concrete.
Thankfully there were a number of kids in my neighborhood who were the same age as me and attended the same school. I had friends to play with after school most days, and on the rare occasions when I was alone there was a huge park close to our house where I could shoot hoops or hit a tennis ball against a wall. No matter what age I was at, I stayed active in one way or another. I finally managed to get on the varsity soccer team when I was a junior in high school and that’s when I started to experience fatigue and exhaustion outside of my sports practices and games. My body was wearing down a little for the first time in my life and I wasn’t used to the pushback. I still play sports, but I have to be careful that I don’t overdo it and exhaust myself so much that I can’t function like a normal human being. I love cannabis to no end, but some of the strains I have tried are much too sedating for daily use. That’s why I will avoid indica strains unless I need them to help me get to sleep at night. If I smoked an indica in the morning, it would put me back to sleep in an instant. By contrast, sativa strains of cannabis are so stimulating that they keep me focused without making me too tired at the same time.